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What Students Expect From SGA In 2022

What Students Expect From SGA In 2022

By Cameron Butler

With the recent turnover in student government leadership, students at HWC shared what they expected from the new members of the Student Government Association next semester.

“To be honest, I didn’t even know we had an SGA. I come here to get my classes done to get a degree to help support my family,” said 18-year-old Eric Torres.

The next election for student government is expected to take place in the Spring semester of next year.

“I would like to see more student groups, there aren’t many, but maybe that’s because of covid. I’m an art major, so maybe more art clubs. I’ve heard of it [SGA], but I’ve never seen them do much of anything,” said 19-year-old Jocelyn R.

Many students who didn’t want to go on record expressed that they weren’t sure what SGA does and doesn't do, mainly due to their lack of involvement with the college beyond taking classes.

“I really have no issues, events, or things to address. Everything they’ve been addressing is pretty valid to my understanding,” said HWC student Jiselle Juarez.

With most classes expected to be in-person next semester according to administrative announcements, more students will be active on campus than at any point during the pandemic. 

“What I'd like for Harold Washington [Student Government] to focus on is to emphasize the amount of clubs they have, putting up posters and suggesting different clubs to the students in their major,” said 24-year-old Alejandro Soto, adding, “I do like that [they] have a room that can help students with being understood and being able to talk to someone and bettering their mental health.”

Many student clubs and organizations have struggled to maintain an active membership base this semester.

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