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How To Survive Midterms

How To Survive Midterms

By Johannsy Marte
Staff Writer

It's almost time for Midterms again! Soon, we will have to start studying hard if we want to pass them with flying colors. Studying can be overwhelming and stressful, but there are ways you can make the process a bit more bearable.

Here are a few tips to help you study better and more productively.

Find a good study environment

Finding a place away from the comfort of your home can help you concentrate better and improve productivity. Harold Washington Library is just a six-minute drive or a 17-minute walk from our campus here at Harold Washington College. It's a great, quiet, and spacious space nearby that allows you to study peacefully. There is also a cafe “Aster Hall” that is popular amongst students. It is known for its aesthetically pleasing vibe and wide space. It is located on Michigan Avenue, just a 24-minute walk from HWC. 

Take short but regular breaks. 

“I think taking a break while studying is important because it allows me to feel less overwhelmed,” said 24-year-old student Anyara A. 

It is recommended that for every 20 minutes you study, you should take a five-minute break.

According to Cornell Health, taking breaks while studying can increase your energy, productivity and ability to focus.

Play white sounds while studying. 

Some students prefer to study with music playing in the background, which can set the mood and help reduce stress. However, having your favorite songs playing in the background can be distracting, and make you lose concentration. 

A popular alternative is a “Lofi” playlist. Lofi playlists contain low and mellow music tunes that help set a peaceful and calming mood. Two YouTube channels with great Lofi options are “Lofi Girl” and “Mimi Lofi Chill”. Play any of their playlist while studying and you're sure to have a calm and productive ambiance.

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